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The Group Genitive

When a single noun is used in the genitive this genitive is termed individual: Europe’s future, the horse’s tail. But the inflexion –‘s can refer to a phrase. This genitive is termed the group genitive. For example: John and Jack’s father ,the quarter of an hour’s sleep.

The Double Genitive.

The double genitive is a combination of the preposition “of” and a noun in the genitive case:a friend of John’s , a doll of the child’s.

Here the relation of possession is expressed twice by the preposition “of” and the –‘s genitive , hence the term “double genitive”.

The noun in the genitive case must be both definite and personal. The noun preceding the of-phrase can’t be proper

Sometimes the double genitive can be used for the stylistic purpose:That long nose of John’s!

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