
  >>>>>Скороговорки8 >>>>>

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Flee from fog to fight flu fast!

The boot black bought the black boot back.

We surely shall see the sun shine soon.

Moose noshing much mush.

Ruby Rugby's brother bought and brought her
back some rubber baby-buggy bumpers.

Sly Sam slurps Sally's soup.

My dame hath a lame tame crane,
My dame hath a crane that is lame.

Six short slow shepherds.

Which witch wished which wicked wish?

Old oily Ollie oils old oily autos.

The two-twenty-two train tore through the tunnel.

Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep.
The seven silly sheep Silly Sally shooed
Shilly-shallied south.
These sheep shouldn't sleep in a shack;
Sheep should sleep in a shed.

Three gray geese in the green grass grazing.
Gray were the geese and green was the grass.

Many an anemone sees an enemy anemone.

Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely.

Peggy Babcock.

You've no need to light a night-light
On a light night like tonight,
For a night-light's light's a slight light,
And tonight's a night that's light.
When a night's light, like tonight's light,
It is really not quite right
To light night-lights with their slight lights
On a light night like tonight.

Say this sharply, say this sweetly,
Say this shortly, say this softly.
Say this sixteen times in succession.

Six sticky sucker sticks.

Crisp crusts crackle crunchily.

Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.

What a shame such a shapely sash should such shabby stitches show.

Sure the ship's shipshape, sir.

Of all the felt I ever felt,
I never felt a piece of felt
which felt as fine as that felt felt,
when first I felt that felt hat's felt.

Don't pamper damp scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps.

Swan swam over the sea,
Swim, swan, swim!
Swan swam back again
Well swum, swan!

Six shimmering sharks sharply striking shins.

Brad's big black bath brush broke.

Thieves seize skis.

Chop shops stock chops.

Strict strong stringy Stephen Stretch slickly snared six sickly silky snakes.

Susan shineth shoes and socks; socks and shoes shines Susan.
She ceased shining shoes and socks, for shoes and socks shock Susan.

The blue bluebird blinks.

Betty and Bob brought back blue balloons from the big bazaar.

The seething seas ceaseth and twiceth the seething seas sufficeth us.

Two Truckee truckers truculently truckling to have truck to truck two trucks of truck.

Plague-bearing prairie dogs.

Ed had edited it.

She sifted thistles through her thistle-sifter.

Give me the gift of a grip top sock:
a drip-drape, ship-shape, tip-top sock.


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