
  >>>>>Грамматика >>>>>Distributive Pronouns

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 Distributive pronouns are  all , every , everybody , everyone , everything , each , both , either , another , other.

The pronouns all , each , both , either , another , other are  both noun and adjective pronouns, every is only an adjective pronoun ,the compounds with it are only noun-pronouns. Everybody , everyone , another , other have the grammatical category  of case / common or possessive/,besides , other has the category of number /it is a singular pronoun having two purely grammatical  categories/

Here are some peculiarities of the use of these pronouns.

The main difference between every and each is that the former occurs when  the members of a group have something in common / each denoting the same draws attention to some point of difference between the members of the group: ”Every woman thinks of herself as a  beauty.” “On each side of him walked a beautiful girl in long white robes”

Both  implies two persons or things  . For example:  ”We can’t do both these things”

Either also implies two persons or things ,but ,unlike both ,is followed by a singular noun and verb. For example: They walked on either side of the girl.I doubt if either of them is coming


  • In informal  present-day English compound pronouns with the second element –body or  -one  ,the pronoun no one and a singular noun modified by every are associated with plural pronouns. For example ;Everyone thinks they have the answer .
  • But  the formal equivalent is :Everyone thinks he has the answer. There is still more pedantic alternative ,the rather cumbersome device of conjoining both masculine and feminine pronouns like in the sentence: Every student has to make his or her mind


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