
  >>>>>Грамматика >>>>>Ought To

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The modal verb "Ought To" has only one tense form and it's not changed in the reported speech.

It combines with the "To-Infinitive". When followed by the non perfect or continuous infinitive it indicates reference to the present or future. In indirect speech it may also refer the action to the past. For example:

I told him that he ought to do it and he did it.

This modal verb is used only in two meanings.

Imperative Suppositional
  • Moral duty and moral obligation, which is not always fulfilled.

You ought to look after your children better.

He ought to be punished.

  • Probability, something that can be naturally expected.

Apples ought to grow here


  • In combination with the perfect infinitive it means that something right has not been done. In this case it implies reproach.

You ought to have helped him/But you didn't/.

  • "Ought to" does not refer to the past!



  • "Ought not" + perfect infinitive means that something wrong has been done and it is not too late to change it.

You ought not to have laughed at him!



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