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Составьте вопросы употребляя где необходимо DO или DOES.

· John likes classical music?
· My aunt speaks English fluently?
· It takes Diana long to get to work?
· He calls me every evening and tells jokes berofe going to bed?
· After classes all the students usually study in the library?
· As a rule we spend a lot of hours in the picture gallery?
· Jane attends tennis classes every evening?
· They are fond of traveling around the world?
· As a tradition at the beginning of spring we go for a picnic?
· Mrs. Brown teaches at the University?
· We often help our mother about the house?
· My brother lives in the nice and comfortable cottage?
· When we go to the forest we usually gather mushrooms there?
· He always repairs the radio and TV himself?
· Sometimes I read English books in the original?


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