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Some facts about physical geography…..

Britain includes great Britain (comprising England, Wales and Scotland) and Northern Ireland , and lies off the north-west coast of mainland Europe. It is 500 km and nearly 1,000 km long Its closest continental neighbors are France and Belgium. It lies between latitudes 50 degrees North and 60 degrees North. London, the capital , is close to the same line of latitude as Berlin, Vancouver and Warsaw .Great Britain is the largest island in Europe and the eight largest in the world. It is about the same size as Honshu ,the biggest of the islands that make up Japan, and about twice the size of Iceland or Cuba.

Although it is as close to the North Pole as eastern Siberia or Hudson Bay, Britain has a warmer climate. While the British climate is very changeable , temperatures rarely fall below – 10 or go above +32.Rainfall is fairly well distributed throughout the year. The wettest parts are the mountainous areas of the west and north. Britain is a densely populated and industrialized nation ,but much of the country is cultivated and around 10% of the land is covered by legally protected national Parks.

History and Politics

Roman rule of England and Wales lasted from AD43 to around AD409.Over the next 600 years there were invasions and settlements by people from northern Europe. The last successful invasion was by the Normans in 1066.In 1172 the King of England made himself Lord of Ireland. The uniting of England with Wales (between 1536 and 1542) and with Scotland ( in 1707) led on to the union of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1801.In 1921 Ireland was partitioned ,Northern Ireland remaining within Britain. Britain is the Commonwealth and, since 1973 ,has been a member of the European Community.

Britain is the parliamentary democracy. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 2 who succeeded to throne in 1952 ,is Head of State ,with a largely ceremonial role. The house of Commons and House of Lords ,with the monarch ,comprise Parliament. The Prime minister heads the Government and appoints ministers. The Commons has 651 elected Members ,each representing a local constituency or area. Elections ,in which citizens over 18 may vote by secret ballot ,are held at least every 5 years. The largest political parties are The Conservatives, Labor and The Liberal Democrats

А теперь как всегда несколько вопросов для самоконтроля!!!

1.Which of the following countries is the nearest continental neighbor to Great Britain:

  • Denmark
  • Portugal
  • France
  • Greece

2. Which of these cities are close to the same line of latitude as London:

  • Berlin
  • Moscow
  • New York
  • Vancouver
  • Calcutta
  • Warsaw

3.Which of these islands are about of the same size as Great Britain?

  • Ireland
  • Iceland
  • Cuba
  • Madagascar
  • Honshu

4.Which areas of Britain have most rainfall?

5When was the last successful foreign invasion in Great Britain?

6.When did Elizabeth 2 become Queen?

  • 1945
  • 1952
  • 1977
  • 1964

6.When did Britain join the European Community

  • 1945
  • 1957
  • 1973
  • 1981
  • 1992

7.At what age may citizens vote in Britain?

  • 17
  • 18
  • 21
  • 25

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